Taylor Spire
The distinguished Taylor spire stands at 60”and comes with a customizable flag, allowing you to add a personal touch with the letter of your choice. Whether you want to represent your family name, your favorite school, or your country, the Taylor spire is a unique and elegant way to do so. Available in Copper, Freedom Gray Copper and Mill Finished Aluminum, the Taylor is a symbol of individuality and heritage.
Available Materials


Freedom Gray Copper

Mill Finished Aluminum

- Available with other base options for various roof conditions.
- Available with any letter of the alphabet applied to both sides.
- Available with Lightening Protection Kit (see Downloads).


Freedom Gray Copper

Mill Finished Aluminum
When ordering specify roof slope for brackets.
Seal the mounting bracket (provided) to the roof surface for a watertight installation. Set spire base over mounting bracket and attach using fasteners provided. Fasten pipe to structure, pipe to extend 12″ past spire base.
See Downloads for Spire Mounting Instructions and Spire Mounting Options (roof position, pitch & roofing material) documents.
Option to add post applied green/brown patina to copper units.
Mill Finished Aluminum spires can be post painted with vendor.